Lanon Development Limited 亮雅發展有限公司 "LANON" was incorporated in Hong Kong in 1986. The company is principally engaged in building, civil engineering capital works and building maintenance works. Since 2005, Lanon has been on the List of Approved Contractors for Public Works (Group C Confirmed) under all the five major categories of building and civil engineering works, i.e. "Buildings", "Port Works", "Roads & Drainage", "Site Formation" and "Waterworks" administered by the Development Bureau of the Government of HKSAR. Lanon is also an Approved Building Contractor of the Hong Kong Housing Authority for the Maintenance Works Category (Group M2 Probationary) and New Works Category (Group NW2 Probationary).
Being a well established local contractor with proven track records, we have demonstrated our capabilities in the execution and delivery of quality building and civil engineering works to the satisfaction of our customers in a safe and sustainable manner. During the period, we have undertaken building and civil engineering works of a variety of nature and complexity in both the public sector and the private sector. Since the participation of PSPS residential development scheme launched by the Housing Authority in 1986, our services have extended to cover the design and construction of housing development and government premises in Hong Kong.
It is our mission to excel Lanon to cope with the needs from our customers and the requirements imposed to the construction industry at large.